8/12 AM Phil and Hannah

We went into the burn area of Rocky Mountain National Park to find some wild fish.  I showed Hannah how to cast the fly rod, then put the new Sage One fly rod in her hand and began to give instruction.  We all know teenage girls like to talk, and Hannah is no exception.  My selective hearing picked up a very valuable piece of information when one of Hannah’s story included the words, “…fishing poles always break when I use them” *EEERRRRTTT*…we come to a complete stop, and without hesitation I quickly switch the rod with Phil, who was using the lesser expensive Orvis Clearwater Rod.  Hannah continued on her story : )


We caught some great fish on both the dry fly and the dropper nymph.  We started off with Beetle and ant patterns, but weren’t getting a great response, so I switched up to a Humpy and a Yellow Sallie.  The fish were aggressive and wanted the larger sized patterns. Unfortunately, Hannah continued on her rod breaking streak and I had to run back and grab the spare rod out of the truck half-way through the trip.

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On the way out we caught a huge hale storm that blanketed the road with snow.  We got out just in time.  



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