Reel Recovery Retreat

Thursday and Friday I volunteered for which is an organization that is dedicated to taking male cancer patients fly fishing.  I have been volunteering with this organization since 2007 as a fishing buddy.  It is a very powerful organization that enlightens and empowers men who are in a position of uncertainty in their fight with cancer.  This year I lost my father to cancer and never had the opportunity to take him fly fishing.  It is with great honor that I can serve these men in bringing them a successful experience to the art and healing powers of fly fishing.

There is a rhythm that needs to be achieved to be successful in fly fishing. It is a frequency of casts along with a locational tune and consistent energy of touch that creates a predictable achievement of catching a fish.  Finding the rhythm is something that comes as second nature to some, and to others search their whole lives to find.  I has the pleasure of watching a few of these men find their rhythm as they connected with fish.


1 Comment

  • Kyle Aderman says:

    You did a great job as a buddy with the men at the Reel Recovery retreat at Sylvandale guest ranch. You have a great way to communicate with the participants. AND, you’re a helluva fisherman! Thanks for everything Chad.
    Kyle Aderman, Be Well! Fish On!

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